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Report a Concern

We want to do what is right

Orexo strives to maintain a transparent business climate and high business ethics. We value the safety and respect of everyone affected by our business. You have a vital role in our success.

Our ambition is to create the added value that our products bring our patients and to be a trusted partner through the way we work and operate that benefits patients, society, shareholders and other stakeholders.

In pursuit of these ambitions, Orexo supports the UN Global Compact and embraces the ten principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.

Orexo's business strategy and day-to-day operations are guided by its Business Compliance and Ethics Code. It supports the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals and is aligned with international standards and initiatives, including the International Labor Organization Conventions and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Since 2017, Orexo is part of the UN Global Compact and Orexo's strategy is aligned with the Global Compact principles and the SDGs.

Our whistleblowing services

We encourage our employees, customers, business partners and other stakeholders to report any concerns. Whistleblowing provides an opportunity to anonymously report suspicions of misconduct; anything that is not in line with our values, policies and ethical code, or that may seriously affect our organisation or a person's life or health. You do not need proof of your suspicions, but all messages must be made in good faith.

Who can report?

Anyone who is aware of any form of work-related misconduct can submit a report. This includes, but is not limited to, employees, former employees, job applicants, contractors, suppliers, journalists and supporters of the whistleblower.

What can be reported?

Breaches of EU law in a work-related context. This includes, among others, money laundering, tax fraud, product and transport safety, data protection, public health, animal welfare, environmental protection, serious harm to Orexo's vital interests and serious harm to the life or health of an individual.

Your message will be securely handled

The whistleblowing services are provided by external partners to ensure anonymity. The communication channels are encrypted and password-protected. All messages will be processed in confidence.

When a case is received, an initial assessment of the information is made based on the applicable legislation to determine whether it is suitable to be dealt with under the whistleblowing channel. The whistleblower will receive feedback at the latest within 7 days of the receipt of the report.



Report a concern for Orexo US

For reporting of concerns related to Orexo US, please visit:

Our long-term success is based on our ethical guidelines. You have an important role to play in raising the alarm if you suspect a breach of the Code of Ethics. Whistleblowing means that a person with insight into the company informs the management that something of concern is happening. This gives us an opportunity to prevent and correct anything that has gone wrong. You do not need to have proof of your suspicions, but all communications should be made in good faith.

When you want to report a suspicion, we encourage you to first approach your contact at Orexo. If you feel that this is not possible, we offer a secure channel for anonymous reporting and dialog. This service is managed by an external party, WhistleB.

Reporting channel for anonymous reporting, online or by phone: 

 For further information and governance: 

Code of Conduct

Orexo operates on a market and in an industry where high ethics and transparency are crucial, which is regulated in the company´s code of conduct below.